Restless Mississippi…1965

English: Grant County, WI, April 2001 -- Rural...

English: Grant County, WI, April 2001 — Rural Grant County was in deep water because of Mississippi River flooding that affected more than 2,000 homes in Wisconsin. Photo by Grant County Emergency Management (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The winter melted into Spring

Live leaves the water turned

On through Prairie du Chien

The river wildly churned

Lay down Ole Mississippi Old

Lay down you river aged!

Lay down Ole’ Mississippi Old

And cut this bloody rage!

Wild death was its soul concern

No thought for homeless folk

As the restless waves covered them

Covered them like a coffin cloak

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

Lay down you river aged

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

And cut this bloody rage

Like a raging fire it swept on

But the daring humans little cared

If they would only stand and pray

If they would do byt this, they would not scare

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

Lay down you river aged

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

And cut this bloody rage

Threatening river dangers

Moved on in bloody rage

For to it the people’s courage

Was as useless as the prairie sage

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

Lay down you river aged

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

And cut this bloody rage

At last the river surrendered

This frolic,  pleasure chase

And lingered back to quiet tide

To end the fruitless race

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

Lay down you river aged

Lay down Old Mississippi Old

And cut this bloody rage

“Finally,” the people sang in joy,

“The waters have retreated!”

The victory won, they say…

But River thinks the folks defeated.

* * * * * *

© 2012 Jane H. Johann and
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jane H. Johann and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

2 thoughts on “Restless Mississippi…1965

  1. Mich Smith says:

    Wonderful Jane!! Love it.


  2. merci beaucoup! Actually, I wrote this when I was 15 years old…I just dug it out!


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