“thumb war”…it is “SomeThumbing”

SMS: Text Messaging Gets Redesigned

SMS: Text Messaging Gets Redesigned (Photo credit: pouwerkerk)

the message came and I did fly

with my thumbs down from the sky

Prometheus you may be the star of fire

but my thumbs are everyone’s desire


over the keys my thumbs flew in a breeze!

words running here and there

texting… texting don’t you dare

the send button jumps at me so quick

lexicons I must pick!

but before I can execute the send

there you are with a message again!

Texting on a qwerty keypad phone

Texting on a qwerty keypad phone (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

14 thoughts on ““thumb war”…it is “SomeThumbing”

  1. Sandi says:

    That’s sounds like a conversation you and I had not to long ago. Love it!!


    • thank you! Yes, I laughed and laughed as I was writing this poem…and yes, I do believe we did have that conversation! And I have that conversation with more than one person — because I still am very slow at texting! LOL Hope you and Andi are having a great time on your vacation and will see you both soon!


  2. tigger0198 says:

    Love this Janie. You are right that while working on a response the other person texts again.


  3. glkaye2013 says:

    you have captured the rhythm of texting fingers very well….


  4. thank you, Gale Kaye! LOL…you would know! guess I could add a few more lines about RESENDing…LOL


  5. andy1076 says:

    That drives me nuts sometimes, When I am about to finish a line on a conversation and POOF here comes another topic lol! It’s neat that you used the old school phone in the end 😉

    Thank you for visiting all of my old posts today 🙂 🙂


    • LOL…didn’t realize that i used the “old school phone”—added plus for the unconscious stream! thanks for pointing it out! Yeah–drives me nuts too!…LOL…I have been driven to use texting since I have three daughters—and I have noticed that “texting” is a way to communicate without communicating…another piece on that coming in the future…LOL Thank you for reading my blog! I enjoy yours also! and I admire you so for raising your daughter! You are a courageous man! I love your site! SO much to read and so many interesting avenues to explore!


      • andy1076 says:

        Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it! 🙂 three daughters and all the texting, wow that must be a handful every day 😀


  6. LOL…yes, it is! LOL


  7. i love this one, unique.


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