How to LINK your WordPress blog to your Gravatar

Dear Bloggers, my Friends~

I have been visiting my Gravatar Profiles as of late in an effort to do more reading of the blogs of others. I have noticed that I am *not* able to find the WordPress link for many of you. I end up calling in the CIA and the FBI to locate you! I do not mind the extra effort that I put in to reach you, however, I learned from my own experience, and after having it pointed out to me by fellow blogger,       that we have to MANUALLY LINK our WordPress address to the Gravatar image.  You do this by following the steps below:   (A note of encouragement to the technologically challenged, like myself, it is not difficult, because even I could do it! LOL)

PLEASE be sure to Manually LINK your WORDPRESS address to your Gravatar Image!

How to Add Links to Your Gravatar Profile

If you would like, you can add links to your personal pages that are not available as Verified Services. Your Gravatar profile will display a snapshot of the linked page, along with a title you select. To add a link:

Log in to your Gravatar account.

Click on My Account, then click Edit My Profile.

Click on My Links to the left.

To add your link, type in the URL (page address) and a title for the link.

Click Add.

We’ll list your links right above where you added the information. To remove a link you’ve previously added, click the “X” located next to the link in the list.

Links you have added will appear below your biography information on your Gravatar Profile.

3 thoughts on “How to LINK your WordPress blog to your Gravatar

  1. firefly1958 says:

    Thank-you so much for your information. I am a novice and dumb ass all rolled into one still learning this WordPress & Gravatar thingamajigger….you made it simple, go figger. peace—ginger meeder


    • LOL…you made me laugh this day! thank you! I needed some levity! Hey–it took me a MONTH to figure it out on my own! And then I thought, why make anyone else suffer like me—I figured I could not be the ONLY one technologically challenged! LOL…smile. I will post a few more things that I have found difficult to do and then finally found the solution. You know—we are all in this together—and, my friend, we are all “novices” along life’s journey. Do not consider yourself a “dumb ass” (though I admit to saying it to myself)–you are a Student of the Universe! We are all on a learning curve of one type or another…don’t you think so? Have a great day!


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