We Do Need Each Other


look to Brother Wind

and how he  delicately breathes life and dances with the grass

look to Sister Ocean

and the life tiptoeing across the crests of  her waves

look to Brother Sun

and how his light reflects the deeper image

look to Sister Moon

and how her light enhances the dark

look to Cousin Stars

and their majestic glow that gladdens our hearts

look to Distant Clouds

and how they fill our imagination with wonder

look to  Busy Bee

and how it carries the pollen to flower our world

look to Each Other

and how your simple gesture…

a nod…

your smile…

a graceful touch…

your listening ear…

gives HOPE to another


Depression is an illness that affects so many, many people.  YES–YOU do matter! YES–each of us can do something.  We are interconnected.  Each of us weaves a thread of our lives into the other’s tapestry, with a simple gesture, a word, a nod…a thought! No matter where we live on Mother Earth, we influence one another. Blessings to all of us, that we may live more mindfully and be present in the NOW to one another.



Spring Lake, Alberta, Canada Photo Credit:  Jane H. Johann, Fall, 2013

Spring Lake, Alberta, Canada
Photo Credit:
Jane H. Johann, Fall, 2013

18 thoughts on “We Do Need Each Other

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Lovely poem on interconnectedness!


  2. ~Matthew Heartsound says:

    Beautiful and such truth. Blessings be yours.


  3. celonaiphy says:

    Just followed your blog..


  4. Heartafire says:

    beautiful words and artwork, breathtaking!


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