
Jane Johann

Wisconsin native Jane Johann, is a retired Reading Specialist and Language Arts Teacher.  Jane received her undergraduate degree from Marquette University, where she earned a B.A., majoring in English Literature and a minor in Secondary Education (1974). She attained her M.A. as a Specialist in the Acquisition of Language and Reading Instruction, K-12, graduate of Cardinal Stritch University (1994).

From 1975-1978 Jane taught in Kiriku, Kenya, East Africa at Kiriko Harambee School with the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa. This was followed with teaching in Catholic Elementary Schools in Milwaukee, in a residential treatment center at Milwaukee Psychiatric Hospital, and 26 years in the Pewaukee School District.

Over a five year period, Jane was fortunate to have seen a bit of the world–Canada, England, Europe and Africa! These experiences have been a blessing, enriching her life with a deeper understanding of humanity and how we are all ONE and each of us is needed to bless the other and receive blessings in return. All of us need to honor each other and Mother Earth!

On a personal note, Jane says:

“I was baptized a Catholic and raised by my Mom, Agnes, and my Dad, Marvin, who both had a strong work ethic and deep faith. They brought into the world eleven children…with 10 siblings, I experienced much LIFE in my growing-up years!

I appreciate how prayer and a sense of the sacred has formed me as I am today. I find the person of Jesus and his Beatitudes sustaining and supportive to my life. As of this last year, I have added Buddhist meditation to my way of being.  I have read from Thich Nhat Hahn, a Buddhist monk who resides in Plum Community in southern France. His writing has brought me much peace.  Spirituality is important to me, not religiosity. I find seeking the light, love and truth within ourselves is paramount to receiving the light, the truth and the love in others.  Only in first accepting our worth, we will then be open to accepting the worth of others. Only in first loving and caring for ourselves, will we better equipped to love and care for others.  I try to keep in mind the words of Kahlil Gibran, “It is not that God lives in us, rather we live in the heart of God!”  Understanding that we all are part of each other, hopefully, we will create a better world.

I have found that words have influenced much of my life…words can create…words can destroy. I hope that I may write words that will express my deepest emotions and feelings, while at the same time, give hope and meaning to life for others.

I have  three daughters, five grandchildren, and live in the countryside, outside of Palmyra, Wisconsin, USA.”

91 thoughts on “About

  1. Really enjoyed reading about you, thank you for sharing. You seem like a very good and wise person that loves life. Your poetry is beautiful indeed and says much about you and life also, I will stop in often to catch up on your great work here.
    Thank you for following NCNCS, I hope you like and get something out of it, not full of nice thoughts and words like here but I feel important words that need to be spoken.
    Again Thank You very much !!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I am very humbled by your frequent visits and your kind words! graciously, i thank you! regarding your site– we each have something to say…we express our thoughts in different ways…no comparison needed…only openness and gratitude that we both have been given the gift to write and have found each other in the billions of water bubbles! thank you for being YOU!


  2. I wanted to thank you for leaving the kind comment on my site.

    You have penned some beautiful poetry and it is a reflection on you as a person. I am not religious but I still believe I can learn much from you. My mind is always open.

    Thanks again for stopping by, look forward to talking in the future.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I am not “religious” either…LOL…I try to understand the “spiritual”…..long journey. Thank you for visiting my blog and for *following* me…I look forward to reading more about YOU! thank you for your more than generous comments about my poetry…you are so sweet! DEAR, you HAVE GREAT COURAGE! I shared your blog on my Facebook page…I know YOU are a phenomenal human being to have overcome all that you have endured and put it all out there for the universe to react to! YOU have purpose! You are truly heroic!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Having great courage and being heroic is doing something in the face of fear. Tackling it for the greater good despite great difficulty doing so.

        I honestly don’t find sharing to be difficult. Certainly not as much as I thought it would be, just keep that as our little secret lol.

        If it can help others then it becomes more of a privilege than a task. After reading feedback throughout your site and I am certain you must get the same satisfaction, if not then you should!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I do get great satisfaction from being part of the family of Bloggers on WordPress. Yes, I understand your point…well stated. I retired from teaching three years ago. I went through a terrible depression…I had also just lost my Mom and sister the year previous, so then to have an operation and not returning to the love of my life — teaching…I felt such emptiness and loss. I had no purpose. I felt teaching gave me such deep meaning and my students gave me such great joy! Then one day I read this quote that said, “If you have no purpose, CREATE one!” So I began blogging…and I began Oct. 12, 2011…I did not make much of a splash! LOL All of a sudden, since March of this year, my blog began to be noticed and people began to read my blog. I also found a new friend who awakened me to my deeper self. She challenged me to be who I am. I have never met her in person –but her words reached me across the miles–and now I feel like a new person and I am so happy with all the wonderful people I have met through blogging! If my words touch the heart of someone, I am happy that they do. I have felt the power of WORDS in my life…I try to do my best…and I appreciate all the readers and those who take the time to comment. They have given me new life!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Praveena says:

    Thanks for stopping by and following mine..I am glad I found yours.I like the person who adores themselves, grateful to be alive and be a part of this world.Hoping to learn more from you..I am following yours.Happy Blogging!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • i am smiling…yes, life is a gift…and you and i have been blessed to be in the midst of it! thank you for your kind words…and I am so happy to have found YOU as well in our wonderful universe!


  4. yogaleigh says:

    Thanks so much for following my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just dropped by to say that I’ve nominated you for the Sweet Blogger Award.You can read it in my post for today. 🙂

    I am deeply grateful for having the chance to read your works through here and I appreciate the time and effort you take to read my posts and comment on them as well. 🙂 Have a nice day! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are more than kind! Thank you for reading my words…and if they touched your heart in some way, I am filled with even more joy for you and me! Thank you for the nomination! I think your blog is awesome–you have a beautiful heart!


  6. How are you doing today? Great I hope and I also hope you will accept this award for your work here in the blogs. Really enjoy the stuff you are doing at your place and visiting you. I have nominated you for the Interesting Blog Award and also the Dragon’s Loyalty Award.

    Thank Both of You for your kindness, Patty and Shane


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Steven…thank for your kind words and recognition…it is a bit overwhelming to me. I really am quite shy. Thank you for the awards! I will try to get to them as quickly as I can –my youngest daughter is graduating in a few days…and then going off to to Togo, West Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer…I am happy for her and proud of her success…and a bit apprehensive about the P.C.—so these next weeks I will be giving time to her….before she leaves me. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Your most Welcome.
        Please don’t rush for any sort of award, they will always be here for you. I would be more than just a bit apprehensive if my daughter were going to anywhere in Africa.
        What is her name so I can add her a bit in my prayers on her journey. I don’t know if you have faith, but if not that is fine, it could not hurt in any case.
        Please keep advised of Muslim activity in the area she is in. The PC is fine and dandy, but it is not security so please ask her to be careful and trust her instinct.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for your concern and your prayers. Yes, my apprehension is growing! Especially since she told me that her father and me will not be given her exact location as a measure of security for all government workers. The only way I will be able to reach her is through contacting the Peace Corps office first. I hope I have faith! I do not think I would still be alive if I didn’t! lol…smile…but seriously, I am beginning to get frightened. I worked in Kenya for over two years–but that was thirty years ago and the “political climate” did not seem as harsh or violent…life seems to much more horrible today…but maybe it is my age and the proliferation of fear in the world through our media. Thank you for your prayers! Her name is Lara.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you

    Thanks for following my blog Ajaytao2010@wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, I have been to your blog…and it is blog of courage and bravery…it takes so much courage to put our thoughts out into the universe for others to read! Sometimes after I do so, I think, “Oh my God! What did I just publish!” I am quite shy, actually, so I can relate to what you have written. You are courageous!


  8. srha1987 says:

    Hi Jane,

    Thanks for following my blog southernrootsandnorthernblossoms.com. I’m thrilled you found me and that I also found you! I loved reading your about page and plan to read more of your thoughts. We have a lot in common.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Greetings from the cold North! I think I am going to redo MY ABOUT page…lol…a friend wrote most of it for me…and I find it does not really reflect what I desire to say…I do KNOW I want to say a lot less about my degrees…lol. Everyone is a student…we just all learn in different ways! Yes, I am a bit inundated with my granddaughter, Nadia here, my daughter searching for photos for her sister’s graduation party…she graduated May 19th from Marquette and we are all so very proud of her!….and my friend, Don, whose wife, Joan, volunteered him to help me with my electrical problems in this home. And to think…here I am blogging! smile. I want to return to your blog when I can focus more on your writing! I found your blog via the post about women not being in the combat zone. He certainly has received many responses to his thoughts! So wonderful–the communication! Later…blessings on your day!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. What a beautiful, loving, gentle, kind, compassionate, strong, intelligent, creative, amazing, gifted soul the world is blessed with for you being in it, Jane 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Now, YOU have brought tears to my eyes, Gabrielle! Your words are more than kind! I have read more and more of your blog this morning and will read more this afternoon–I am driving a friend of mine to a ceramic painting workshop and will be waiting for her in the library, so I will have time to comment. Your thoughts on spirituality, the hurt and confusion that religion has caused– yes, I am in complete agreement with you! My friend is 92 years YOUNG! She amazes me! Yet, at the moment, I feel so alone and sad…and I am trying not to…this blog has brought me a wealth of friends. I am overwhelmed with all of the GOODNESS of others on WordPress. You being one of them! I am so hoping it will always be this gentle community of writers…and readers!
    Thank you for being one of them, Gabrielle!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. rosewater12 says:

    Good morning! I just started “following” your blog after reading your comments on Luxembourg in the Spring. It is sad that America stands for commercialism, capitalism, drone missiles, synthetically produced crops that kill bees, and the zombiefication of attempted suicides at Guantanimo. No doubt. But, America is also a wonderful land filled with fantastic scenery and good-hearted people. It can be a great country when we all learn to walk the Middle Path or when we all keep the Sabbath or when at least a reasonable number of us stop being so selfish. You seem to be one of the nice ones.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well… there are many “nice ones.” There are many of us who gallantly fight for justice, peace and equality. It seems these days the money of the 1% and the Corporations has great power. But we will not give up fighting for humanity and Mother Earth! The politicians seem to be self-serving, caring only for their own pocket-book and NOT the good of humankind or the earth! Thank you for visiting my blog…and for the follow! I will visit your blog shortly!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you very much for your visit to my site..Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You are welcome! and good luck to you! Feel free to re-blog anything on my site that you like…You have my permission. After all, I think all of our ideas and thoughts are from our collective conscience and should be shared not owned. I felt this inside me AFTER I found “copyscape” and put it into my blog…then I thought, “WHY?”


  14. SUNEESH says:

    thank you for following my blog. We do share ideas and thoughts through the blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Because you are Sweet in a non-saccharine kind of way, I have nominated you for the “The Super Sweet Blogger” Award.
    You can find the information that you need by clicking here…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Very kind of you! Thank you so much! I will try to respond to the requirements after June 11th—-my youngest “bird” is flying to Togo, West Africa, as a Peace Corps volunteer on the 10th. I am a bit caught up in the leaving…it seems to me she is not just leaving the nest, but going on a full migratory safari! Thank you for visiting my blog…I appreciate your “likes” and comments! and thank you so much for the nomination! I will visit your blog shortly…


  16. Luna Ulric-Taylor says:

    Greetings, Jane! Just wanted to say hello and thank you for visiting Luna’s Moon Dance. I am a former Wisconsinite and even worked in Pewaukee! I am enjoying your blog and your sharing. Keep it up Brave One! You are a light like no other! Your story is rich and powerful. Thank you for giving it to us.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Luna Ulric-Taylor says:

    P.S. I just love your photo! I can hear your laugh and feel like we are sitting across the table from each other telling wild tales and giggling!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Ajeeth Boaz says:

    Amazing blog you have here… Words from the heart and very strong and effective… Happy blogging… Please feel free to visit my blog anytime and share your thoughts…

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I think that everything published made a lot of sense. However, think
    about this, suppose you were to create a awesome headline?
    I mean, I don’t wish to tell you how to run your website, but suppose you added a title that makes people desire more?

    I mean About | johannisthinking is a little plain. You ought to peek at Yahoo’s front page and watch how they create news titles
    to grab people interested. You might try adding a video or a related pic or two to
    grab people excited about everything’ve written. Just my opinion, it might bring your
    posts a little livelier.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Bill McKeen says:

    How have you in your spiritual evolution dealt with this question.? Bill McKeen

    Liked by 1 person

      • Bill McKeen says:

        Pain and Suffering:

        I look ahead, I look behind, I look to the left, and I look to the right and what do I see. A lot of pain and suffering. In their faces and demeanor. I see struggle, fear and anxiety, I see boredom. I see those who are suffering from mental illness and addictions. I see all those people who must endure physical pain from a injury or malady. And all forms of handicaps such as as the deaf, the blind and the crippled. I see suffering in old age with all it’s infirmities, And for what reason must all this be? I ask God for the answer and none is yet to be found. The cause, as the expert surmise, is for two reasons, one the free will of man, be it for good or evil and the other from the constant laws of nature, as in in birth, growth and decay with time and chance at play. I don’t question the the system and I how it works. I understand it completely. The larger question for me is what purpose does it serve? In the aeon of time this echo has never been tendered. C.S. Lewis summed nicely when he said “God speaks to our conscience, whispers in our pleasure and shouts in our pain”. How have you in your spiritual evolution dealt with this question.? Bill McKeen

        Liked by 2 people

  21. Bill McKeen says:

    You do not have to respond to my question. After reading your post on Pain and Suffering, Part,One of your web page I think you answered the question nicely. I guess it not for us to know. Enjoyed your other musings as well. Bill McKeen

    Liked by 1 person

  22. prayingforoneday says:

    Hi. Shaun here. We all Know Tersia and her story about her Daughter Vic.
    The one year anniversary just passed. I am asking you PLEASE share and show this collage.
    I made it with pictures that Tersia shared with us all.
    This is not an award, it is in Memory of Vic and to show the strength of Tersia in what she did
    I BEG YOU SHOW THIS AND SHARE THIS. From my heart to yours. Shaun


    Liked by 1 person

  23. writersideup says:

    Now that I found your “About” page, I know your name is Jane, not Johann 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  24. noahsin says:

    Hi there. Glad I found this blog. You have built a very impressive site! I blog on everything from politics to film review. Would be lovely if you can follow back. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I really want to thank you for the courageous words you left on my blog. I did answer you, but the order of the comments and replies got mixed up (don’t ask me how, it’s one of those inexplicable mysteries of dyslexia (-: ). I just realized you would have recieved no notice that I’d replied.
    Anyway, my reply is posted right near the top of the comments, while your lovely comment is near the bottom. I hope you read it.

    Peace to you.


    “Hey, all you banker’s, get out of the temple!”
    Jesus Christ (a paraphrase)

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Dr. Rex says:

    My dearest new friend, finally stopped here. Seems I was directed to it today!! I’m glad that the “red thread” connected us somehow!! Hugs … ❤


  27. ~Matthew Heartsound says:

    What a wonderful page…I am so very grateful to have been directed to your blog…abundant peace and bountiful blessings be yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. thank you, Matthew! Just read this today…more than a month has passed since you posted it…I am going to visit your blog now…my heart is very sad today—I am hoping for LIGHT…perhaps your words will bring me some…Thank YOU for visiting my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. 365dniwobiektywielg says:

    Greetings to you from the Polish by Luke

    Liked by 1 person

  30. GP Cox says:

    Pleased to meet you.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Cardboard Express says:

    Hello there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and that I find your content insightful, refreshing, and apt!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. irinadim says:

    I just want to thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. This brought me to your wonderful, inspirational blog and I’m looking forward to exploring it. Cheers 🙂 Irina

    Liked by 2 people

  33. lovehappily says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a lovely blog, and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Hi, Jane. Enjoyed read about you and your life experiences. I find that we have a great deal in common–being influenced by words and the ultimate power we have to use them for good. Delighted that we’ve connected. Have a blessed and beautiful day! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  35. I am very much impressed by your About.
    YOU being born in the missionary background and having served elsewhere in the world are open for so many thoughts and especially spiritual ones, I feel it is commendable.
    Thanks for the follow and I shall too.
    Hope to have profound exchange of thoughts in the days to come.
    Fond Regards,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Shiva~
      Thank you so much for your very kind words! I was blessed to have the opportunity for five years of my early life to live among so many wonderful individuals and so many varied cultures–it was a great GIFT! Looking forward to reading more of YOU also! Blessings to you and your family!


  36. Polomi says:

    Good to meet you here!!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Hi Jane, you have a beautiful blog here. I’ve stopped by to invite you to a guest blogging event we’re having over at The Seeker’s Dungeon, on the subject of From Darkness to Light. If you’re interested you can find the full details here: https://theseekersdungeon.com/from-darkness-to-light/ I’d love to have you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thank you so much, Sreejit, for your kind words and invitation! I have had little time for writing these days–and I miss WordPress and the community that gives me such strength with their words and presence in my life. Things are becoming a little better so now I have decided to make the effort and write again…I hope the invitation is still open, Sreejit! Thank you so much! May you have a light-filled day!


      • The invitation is always open though the series hasn’t had any entries for awhile so readers are not in the habit of checking anymore. But I would always be happy to get a post from you.

        Liked by 2 people

      • thank you, Sreejit! Life has taken a turn…and my grandchildren are keeping me quite happily busy–full home again—I am blessed to have such beautiful, young life around me! …though my “white” hair is becoming whiter! LOL. I will do what I can to visit your site today–thank YOU again!


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