Thank you for the “Most Influential Blogger?”


 Thank you, Perpetua, for nominating me for THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOGGER AWARD.

When I read the blogs of so many others, mine pales in comparison. I have read the works of great poets who go beyond the beautiful and take the courage to post those things that are not easy to read…not easy to read because they remind us of the dark side of the people who live on Mother Earth. Nevertheless, unless this darkness is brought out into the light–how will it be dispelled?  Yes, it is heartbreaking to read some of it…because it is so very difficult to comprehend how we can be so inhumane to one another.

Yet, I have lived in darkness for moments in my life also…I know how the anger seethes inside and causes one to lash out…I have tried to change who I am. I am trying each day to live in tranquility within my soul…and not to react out of my insecurities. I have tried to forgive those who judge me so harshly…to be who I am…to accept me as me…I think that is one of the difficulties in life–there is so little affirmation of the goodness of each other.

I nominate these bloggers for THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOGGER AWARD who have the courage to give us the beautiful but also who have the courage to present that ugly side of humanity in an effort to make us more aware and to do all we can to help each other be better people.

* Gabrielle

* Sharmishtha Basu

1. Sharmishtha Basu’s Poetries: : Mainly Poetries.
2. Thoughts: : Stories mainly.
3. My cyber novels: : novel, long stories, musings, cartoons etc
4. Window to my soul : : mainly form poetry
5. Sharmishtha Basu : : My haiku, piku, lanturne, tanka blog.
6. Ethereal heights: Celebrating peace and beauty.
7. Earth in black and white: – The real world.
8. Colours and words waltz: – poetry and paintings.

Sharmishtha writes poetry from her heart…her paintings are delicate…and she also posts about the greed of mankind taking over an island to make it into their heathen paradise–caring little about providing health or humanitarian aid for the people who live there…she had a posting about a young girl who was set afire alone with her mother by an angry father…Go to her many blogs and read her works…it will make your heart happy to read her poems and sad to read the horrible truths of humankind.

* Noeleen


Noeleen speaks of her struggle to BE the best mother she can in this male-dominated society…the world’s society where women and children are kept on the bottom of the rung– stepped on and abused so often.  Her fight to BE her best, will show you that she is a courageous and brave woman—my Braveheart!–She goes beyond her comfort level, risks all, to do what is best for her son, Daniel! It is a courageous testimonial of a person who fights to find herself and then goes even further to fight for the son she brought into this world!

* Sheri

sheridegrom – From the literary and legislative trenches. x

Sheri write beautiful book reviews that slide you write into the stories as if you were already a part of them! In addition to this, she lives in this modern world and its legalism. Thank God for women like her, who understand the legal ramifications and know how to respond to this kind of demand and dehumanization! She is an advocate for the mentally challenged and for healthcare reform. All of us know that we need it, as the poor and disenfranchised, the mentally ill, the elderly, are more and more being pushed into the margins of society and left unattended. I personally thank her for using her wisdom to help us all!


10 thoughts on “Thank you for the “Most Influential Blogger?”

  1. cyberbonn says:



  2. the most Influential Blogger, of course is not that one who tell the truth, but the powered with the media and facts to decept and lies…


  3. Yoshiko says:

    Lots of Congratulations, Jane 🙂


  4. Congratulations! 🙂


  5. Sharmishtha says:

    congratulations and thank you very much my dear friend! I am truly honoured!


  6. Hikari Yori says:

    Congratulations 😀


  7. Congratulations, Jane 🙂


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