my apology to you, Darling


Rose (Photo credit: LeahLikesLemon)

One rose whispered to the other in the night,

“What you said, was so not right!

How could you doubt her love for you

She has stayed with you, tossing seaweed, the ocean blue!

Listening to your sad laments, your tale of woes!

Making you laugh, encouraging you to wiggle your toes!

And you, what did you do?

What did you do?

Felt so sorry for yourself and hid in your brain…

Not willing to let go and live again!

You would not budge…

You sat in your grief like the lake bottom sludge!

She offered her lightness to you this day

Encouraging you to sing and be gay!

But no…you held on so tight

Not letting love in your sight.

Admit you were wrong…

let joy be your song!

Insult her not for she is gentle as a dove

Insult her not, she gave you all from her love

She loved you asking nothing in return

All you did was allow your anger to churn.

Say you are sorry, you stubborn fool!”


“Alright, I am sorry for insulting you!

I am crying through the night

Recognizing my awful plight

You came to me and offered your best

Please, give my anguish soul a rest.

Accept my apology to you

For you only wanted me to see the good in me too.”

6 thoughts on “my apology to you, Darling

  1. Lovely writing Jane! And very true also.
    Hugz to you my friend


  2. Exquisite – my apology for allowing this gem to get past me. I felt the words, I saw the actions as two roses somehow danced in a thunderous storm of anguish. Oh how those thorns rip the heart when least expected. Beautiful work as always.


    • dear Sheri, Your words are poetry to my ears! WOW–you see it so clearly as I imagined it! Thank you for your affirmation! Your words always give me confidence to write…to keep going forward…thank you so much!


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