Apology to Mother Earth

Cree Sunset

Cree Sunset (Photo credit: John Spooner)

“Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.”

~Cree Indian Proverb

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as I hear the drills of fracking destroying your gift of water deep within

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as the coal puts forth more pollutants in the air so thin

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as we destroy the soil with our cancer-ridden compost

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as the grain you have given to us is tampered with and Monsanto is our guidepost

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as we litter our beaches with our castoffs

I weep with you, Mother Earth, that we seem to enjoy pollution as our handoff

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as our oceans are littered with garbage and filth, oil spills and toxins

I weep with you, Mother Earth, as we do not take seriously our actions

Mähsette Kuiuab Chief of the Cree indians

Mähsette Kuiuab Chief of the Cree indians (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I weep with you, Mother Earth as the coral disappears beneath the sea

I weep with you, Mother Earth, and hope we soon come to see your frantic plea

the call to be

early at 4:45 AM the sounds reach in through my windows

as the early choir of birds sing their way into my being

English: A sunrise somewhere, probably on the ...

English: A sunrise somewhere, probably on the Earth. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

offering their song for the day, their hope for joy

streaming through the sunlit beams of dreams

beckoning me out of my comfort

promising to fly with me through the maze

winging their way through Mother Earth

accompanying me out of the purple haze

chirping with delight, innocence… so free

with courage and daring they go into flight

angel wings carrying them out to SEE

promising another day to live with delight!