Wonderful Team Member Readership Award – Thank You!

wonderful-team-membership-awardEen welgemeende dank aan Patty van http://petitemagique.wordpress.com mij hebben genomineerd voor deze prijs!

A heartfelt thank you to Patty of  http://petitemagique.wordpress.com for nominating me for this award!

Since we are able to do the awards over a period of seven days, my first SEVEN  Nominees are:

* Noeleen   http://wordsfallfrommyeyes.wordpress.com/   Noeleen writes with truth…her honesty is felt deep within her writing…Noeleen writes about her son, Daniel, and her deep love and care of  him and for him — and how messed up the court system is! Mothers have an awesome responsibility and duty—Noeleen walks the talk courageously! She goes beyond herself and her fears –for her son, Daniel! In between all of that—which is a monumental task–she takes time to visit my blog, reads me and leaves comments to boot! A great team member!

The Elusive Scribe       https://theelusivescribe.wordpress.com  Here is a sampling of her writing from “Delight in the Darkness”—– “We revel under the blackness of the night,where shadows play and fires burn…” Just one example of her passionate metaphors and the deep sensitivity you will find in her writing!  And these opening lines from “Murmur” give you another taste of her writing: “In the dead of the night I hear, whispers made by the shadows near, I can catch phrases in between the din,piecing them together feels like a sin…”  Her visits to my blog’s writings, keeps me writing…this prompts me to choose her as a Team Member! I encourage you to visit hers and do the same for her! You will be pleasantly surprised!

* Sheri     http://en.gravatar.com/sheridegrom   Sheri writes fantastic book reviews and is also an advocate for Healthcare reform in this country and is an active legislative analyst. Her reviews flow so beautifully– you find yourself inside the books she writes about. Sheri’s passion for healthcare reform is personal and done with grace and intelligence. A worthy woman to follow and read! She also takes time to visit my little blog and gives meaningful replies and encourages me as a person! She is a great team member!

*MM Mohan      advocatemmmohan.wordpress.comM M Mohan’s blog of writings and poetry is an inspiration to me! His poetry touches me to the core of my being. He brings to light the inner workings of the heart and soul, helping us to reflect on the deeper meaning of our interaction with one another and with our inner struggle of becoming. I am voting for him as a Team Member because he has created a connection with all of us on WordPress …beyond the borders of India.

* Liz Terry  http://lizterryblog.wordpress.com/  Liz is the author of   Postcards from France –“this is book of comic short stories about her life as a British ex-pat living in South West France” [http://www.lulu.com/shop/liz-terry/postcards-from-france/paperback].  Liz also posts articles and information about the LGBT community–this I think is great! The articles she posts increase the understanding of all of us and encourages us to see that we are all human beings on our journey through life!  I was delighted by her visit from the UK to my blog here in the little Palmyra countryside of Wisconsin.  I have selected her as a team member for her willingness to travel abroad to meet me and encourage me with her words!

* Gabrielle   http:myheathenheart.com   Gabrielle is anything BUT a heathen!  She is a warm, compassionate and passionate human being who has widened her vision of the world to care about all of humanity! Her blog is “mega-interesting!”– If I may be so bold as to coin a new phrase.  She lays bare the facts about the misogynistic attitude of religion, the greed of corporate powers who care only about profit and not about the price of humanity that gets them their wealth; about how people everywhere –you and I—are connected to what  happens to the poor of the Congo so that we can have our cell phones and computers–sobering thought to the soul! The videos that accompany her blog clearly demonstrate Corporate Greed–ie. Nokia, for one —who care little about the women and children who are raped and brutalized, and brutally killed,  because of their greed. We are all part of the problem–we need to speak up for those who die for our luxuries. Heart-wrenching! Gabrielle wandered on to my blog—her visit brought me back to hers! And that is how a team works! She is amazing in her truth and deep honesty! She is an inspiration and encouragement to me!

* John Castellenas     http://johncoyote.wordpress.com    His vision as written on his blog is  “Old Native American wisdom. We need to gather as one people to save earth and all people.”  John is Native American and he writes to us today bringing the wisdom of his elders to our doorstep! Beautiful and deep writing! I selected him as a Team Member because I feel he brings the wisdom we all need to hear to save ourselves and Mother Earth.

The RULES  are as follows:

1.The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her blog.
2.The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little.
3.The Nominee shall name his/her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during 7 days.

Over a period of 7 days (1 week), the Nominee shall nominate a number of readers that he or she appreciates – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be all on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, as most convenient to the Nominee.

The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

15 thoughts on “Wonderful Team Member Readership Award – Thank You!

  1. Congratulations, Jane. This is truly deserved 🙂


  2. Yoshiko says:

    Congratulations, Jane 🙂


  3. congratulations – your awards will grow along with appreciation of your work – well done


  4. clarabetty says:

    Congratulations-couldn’t have went to a more deserving person. How many awards does that make? Pretty soon you’ll have them all!


  5. […] Wonderful Team Member Readership Award – Thank You! (johannisthinking.com) […]


  6. Thank you…I feel undeserving…but I appreciate the recognition..and I would not have the awards if I did not have dedicated and wonderful bloggers who read my writing…I share the honor with my readers and feel this strongly whenever I am nominated for any award. So…thank YOU ALL for reading me and giving me purpose in my life!


  7. Yoshiko says:

    Jane, congratulations 😀


  8. Sharmishtha says:



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